Connect With Us
Building a Lifetime of Memories
Thank you for taking the time to learn of ways to connect with Camp Cedar Glen. We value your connection, partnership, and friendship.
Time, Talent, and Treasures.
We invite you to participate with Camp Cedar Glen in whichever form is best for you.
Time and Talents
We appreciate folks sharing their talents and skills with us. There is always something to do at Camp. We value skills in gardening and landscape, skilled trades, painting, education & curriculum building, or whatever you fancy. Talk to us!
If you're interested in opportunities to serve please complete this Volunteer Inquiry form.
If a financial gift is more convenient: YOU have options.
The Giving Portal will assist you.
You may select to give to:
- Camperships: (scholarships for youth who otherwise may not be able to attend camps
- General Operating Fund: ongoing upkeep of camp facilities
- Wishlist: everyday supplies and needs to keep us serving campers
- Special Asks: Camp is in search of 2-4 new or gently used golf carts, a pickup truck, wooden picnic benches, (25) 60"round folding tables, retail store fixtures and machines (camp store), and residential stove/range.
- Legacy Giving: work with our Director to establish a namesake project at camp. Email Freedom at
You can also donate by check. Please send your check with the appropriate designation in the "memo" line to:
Camp Cedar Glen
PO Box 2500
Julian, CA 92036
Your are always welcome to call our office at 760.765.0477.